Amitābha is the principal buddha in Pure Land Buddhism. 阿彌陀佛,意為無量光, 無量壽,又稱為無量清凈佛、甘露王如來。
The Buddha Shakyamuni was a philosopher, meditator, spiritual teacher, founder of Buddhism 釋迦牟尼佛是一位哲學家,冥想者,心靈導師和佛教的創始人
When entering the main hall of the temple, please use side entrances. 一般應從側門進入大殿
Revealing clothing such as tank tops, sleeveless shirts, shorts, mini skirt and flip flop etc. are deemed inappropriate. 入寺廟衣履要整潔,不能著背心、打赤膊、穿拖鞋。
In Buddhism, the core of the faith is the belief in the cycle of life, reincarnation, good deeds and enlightenment.