Merits: Diminish negative energy, unpleasant and troubled feelings. Purify unwholesome karma and liberate deceased relatives and karmic debtors from sufferings. 功德利益 : 祛除晦氣,除去煩惱,消除業障,超度冤情債主。
Merits: Promote successful career path, prosperity in business development and increase in financial resources. 功德利益: 仕途遂順,生意興隆,財源廣進。
Merits: Brings forth good health, longevity, peace and auspiciousness. 功德利益 : 健康、長壽、平安、吉祥。
Merits: Success in all endeavors, in harmony with others, with no obstructions in work and business. 功德利益:諸事順利,與人和睦。做事如有障礙者,可保工作、事業順利。
Merits: Enhance your children’s intelligence, discipline and academic achievement. 功德利益:孩子聰慧、聽話,求學順利、學業有成。