12) 33 Guanyin Statues 三十三觀音菩薩

33 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Guanyin) Statues


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is associated with compassion and mercy. With her infinite compassion and ability to hear the lamentations of the world, when a being seeks help and chant the sacred name of the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva will appear to save and liberate that being from suffering. This is how the Bodhisattva came to be known in Chinese as “Guanyin”, short for “Guanshiyin”, which means “The One Who Perceives the Sounds (Cries) of the World”.


The Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva can appear with 33 different manifestations to suit the needs of the various beings, to answer their pleas for help, to teach and help liberate them from suffering. Avalokitesvara is one of the most widely known Buddhist deity and has the most affinity with the people around the world.

For the sponsorship of a Guanyin statue, please follow the affinity with your heart’s desire and make a selection out of the 33 different Guanyin statues.

Sponsorship (permanent): CAD $5,800 each statue, with 1 to 10 donor names inscribed on each statue.

These sponsorships offer a precious opportunity not to be missed!
Your participation is greatly appreciated.



To Donate please contact 捐款詳情請洽:

Cham Shan Temple Front Desk 加拿大佛教會湛山精舍 香油台

Address 地址:7254 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Ont. Canada, L3T 2R6

Call Front Desk (香油台)電話: 905-886-6481

1-905-886-1522  X內線-234 / X內線-292