In 1967, the founders arrived in Canada to propagate Chinese Buddhism. The three founding venerable masters placed four rocks inscribed with the names of the Bodhisattvas outside the gate of Cham Shan Temple.
自2006年向加拿大政府申請加國五台山的土地變更, 規畫設計、申請手續以及加工大木作構件, 建造各種佛像及現場施工等各個方面, 經曆了重重困難和諸多障礙。2011年3月 - 建築許可被批准用於建設的第一階段,即大雄寶殿,終於可以動土奠基。
Since 2006, after overcoming different kinds of challenges on land use application, project design and planning, vendors selection etc. The overwhelming public recognition and support have been received from both overseas and in Canada, from the three levels of Canadian government offices, and from the various government bureaus of China, including the People's Republic of China Consulate General in Toronto. On March 2011 - The building permit was granted for the first stage of the construction, which is the Main Buddha Hall. The ground-breaking milestone was eventually within sight.
在2011/05/28中國駐多倫多副總領事、聯邦國會議員、安河旅遊暨文化廳長、萬錦市議員、五台山所在地Cavan Monaghan的市長及副市長、前約克郡警隊總長,以及安河14個佛教團體的代表出席了大典。
On 2011/05/28, the Chinese Consul General in Toronto, the Federal Congressman, the Minister of Tourism, Culture, the Markham City Council member, the Mayor of the , Cavan Monaghan where Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden located, and the Deputy Mayor, the former Yorkshire Police Force General, as well as representatives of 14 Buddhist groups attended the ceremony.
達義大和尚在奠基禮中致詞: 五台山建成後將成爲佛教聖地,不僅弘揚佛教慈悲濟世的精神,更重要的是傳播悠久的中華文化,包含中華古典建築藝術、人文與自然合一等元素。
The Venerable Dayi Shi addressed in the ceremony: Wutai Mountain will become a Buddhist holy place after its completion. It not only carries forward the spirit of Buddhism, but also spreads the long-standing Chinese culture, including the elements of Chinese classical architecture, humanity and nature.