文殊菩薩來到加拿大可謂曆經艱難,先後經曆五年多的設計和加工、一個多月的海上運輸、六個集裝箱、十二個小時的卸裝。在2017/03/28 三月初一, 開山宗長性空長老和湛山精舍住持達義大和尚率領信衆到加拿大五台山迎接菩薩的到來。
On 2017/03/28, the First Day of the Third Month in Lunar Calendar, Venerable Master Sing Hung and Venerable Dayi Shi welcome the arrival of The Five Platforms of Manjusri Bodhisattva statues.
Few components of The Five Platforms of Manjusri Bodhisattva Statues
On 2017/07/07 the assembling of West Platform Manjusri Bodhisattva statue had completed and was ready to be placed on the West Platform.
President of The Buddhist Association of Canada and Abbot of Cham Shan Temple, Ven. Dayi Shi led the sangha and the laity held a solemn ceremony to pray for the installation of West Platform Manjusri Bodhisattva statue on platform.
On the same day, President of The Buddhist Association of Canada and Abbot of Cham Shan Temple, Ven. Dayi Shi led the sangha and the laity held a Purification puja for the platform of Central Platform Manjusri Bodhisattva statue.
Purification puja on the site for building the Central Platform.
In 2018 The East Platform Manjusri Bodhisattva had completed assembly and placed on the east platform.
In 2018 The South Platform Manjusri Bodhisattva had completed assembly and placed on the south platform.
In 2018 The West Platform Manjusri Bodhisattva had completed assembly and placed on the west platform.
In 2018 The North Platform Manjusri Bodhisattva had completed assembly and placed on the north platform.
In 2018 The Central Platform Manjusri Bodhisattva had completed assembly and placed on the central platform.