Burial ceremony 下葬儀式

Burial ceremony 下葬儀式


Venerable Master offers incense first, follow by the eldest son to the Three Jewels (Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha) and the deceased. The rest of the family members follow to offer incense.


Remove filial: By take out the filial flower or ribbon from your clothes; pin it on the flower provided to each family member and then place the flower on to the top surface of the casket.


Note: The rundown above is based on a deceased parent with kids/grandkids and for reference only. It may subject to change due to special request from family, the actual number of family members attended, environment, time available, weather, gathering hall layout and arrangement by the funeral director.


It is our temple’s intention to guide the families of the deceased and all attendees in the funeral service to understand and respect Buddhist funeral rituals and its principles behind. Through the participation in a solemn Buddhist funeral ceremony, we are expressing our gratitude, respect and loving kindness towards the deceased.


To book a Buddhist Memorial Service, please contact the temple reception

phone: (905) 886-6481 or

email: info@thebuddhistgarden.com


